I am writing this post after speaking to someone about Socialism and European Freedoms.The citizens of European countries are not allowed to own firearms unless issued a permit by the government.In my opinion this is not freedom.Individuals have a natural right to defend themselves from predators in all situations,especially in their own home.All types of predators include individual criminals,groups of criminals,and Tyrannical States.In order to seize guns,the Corrupt governments first move is always licensing and registration of firearms.In order to seize guns they must know who has them.
In england at the turn of the century there were few gun control laws and low crime rates.Since the numerous laws enacted to strip private citizens from owning firearms,the crime rates have risen.Violent crimes especially have not been reduced.Currently our own government has been using crime statistics from Mexican authorities,and claiming 90% of firearms confiscated are from the United States.The real number is more accurately around 17%.Machine guns,Anti-aircraft weapons and fragmentation grenades found in raids on Mexican cartels do not come from a
American Gun Shops or gun shows,which are not allowed these types of weapons.They come from Arms dealers or Governments.
Converting the basic right to self defense to a privilege granted by the Federal Government is a goal of the current Administration.This will soon be addressed by the Supreme court as it decides weather or not the 2nd amendment is incorperated under the 14th amendment,meaning it applies to the states.This will further cement the right to keep and bear arms that our founding fathers included in our founding documents.I personally fully support this right and exercise it as often as i can.From individual state and federal restrictions,to internationally sponsored Treaties like the Clinton administrations Cifta from 1997,a small arms trafficking treaty,need to be rejected as ineffective and dangerous.
The biggest killer of people has always been governments and their surrogate militias.All you need to do is look toward Iran and see what the government is doing to the people protesting.All it takes is for the people in power to feel threatened to evoke a violent crackdown on people non-violently protesting tyranny.It seems the last armed civil citizenry on the planet will have to fight tooth and nail to continue living in a free and open democratic society with all the rights and freedoms granted by our founding documents and God above.I for one will be right here listening and commenting until i am no longer able.Until next time thank you for reading.............Spacewalker
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Sundays post
Well,i got some feedback on the blog and it made me think about my chosen topic for this endeavor.I am not a very interesting subject,and if i ever expect folks to be interested in what i write i better choose a topic other than myself.Being homebound for the last decade has left me a tad isolated and being new to this i appreciate any and all feedback.My personal story is not going to interest most folks,so i am going to try to examine other things that may interest readers.Things in my life that i am able to comment about with some personal experience.
I must admit i feel like i am the only subject that i am comfortable writing about.To be interesting and readable i must write about politics or music,or maybe another topic that folks enjoy.But my life is about all the subject matter i have available currently.As this continues i will expand with whatever subject matter i feel i can comment on with honesty and integrity.I am a huge Grateful Dead fan,i draw and play guitar,and will bring these topics up as well from time to time.Using this blog to express personal stories and opinions is what i expected to do,and will continue to do until i find a topic that folks want me to comment on.
Things are difficult for me physically,but my chronic pain is a burden i must personally face.If that is something that i can turn into an interesting topic for a blog is another matter.If it was something more visable and obvious people may think differently,but right now i feel like its a topic folks don't find worth following.I may need to start writing about it elsewhere and keep this for a more enjoyable topic.Please feel free to suggest anything to me as i am very enthusiastic about this as a way to learn and grow as an amateur writer.To expand on the daily struggle with chronic pain may help me,but it won't expand the amount of people who read what i write.Until next time,goodbye and thank you for reading...spacewalker
I must admit i feel like i am the only subject that i am comfortable writing about.To be interesting and readable i must write about politics or music,or maybe another topic that folks enjoy.But my life is about all the subject matter i have available currently.As this continues i will expand with whatever subject matter i feel i can comment on with honesty and integrity.I am a huge Grateful Dead fan,i draw and play guitar,and will bring these topics up as well from time to time.Using this blog to express personal stories and opinions is what i expected to do,and will continue to do until i find a topic that folks want me to comment on.
Things are difficult for me physically,but my chronic pain is a burden i must personally face.If that is something that i can turn into an interesting topic for a blog is another matter.If it was something more visable and obvious people may think differently,but right now i feel like its a topic folks don't find worth following.I may need to start writing about it elsewhere and keep this for a more enjoyable topic.Please feel free to suggest anything to me as i am very enthusiastic about this as a way to learn and grow as an amateur writer.To expand on the daily struggle with chronic pain may help me,but it won't expand the amount of people who read what i write.Until next time,goodbye and thank you for reading...spacewalker
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Saturdays second post
I felt the need to post another entry today,as i have been sidelined for the past few days and have some other things i need to include.My children have had a nice couple of days with Christmas and all,and i want to write a little more about them.They are used to me and my limited abilities,but are unable to do things they want to do due to my injury imposed isolation.Being the kid of someone like me is no picnic,as i am unable to perform the simple tasks usually required of dad's at the holidays.I am grouchy and it is difficult to even get out of bed.
My wife is obviously burdened with most household tasks i am unable to accomplish for the children's benefit.She works 40 hrs a week or more as it is,and i could not be more grateful to her for the love and comfort she provides the children and i.Before my back injury i was her partner,now i feel like her obligation.It is a bitter pill for a man to swallow to be physically broken.As the days go by i appreciate her more and more.She has adjusted to this situation so well,and does most things without so much as a word about the unfairness of her heavy load.I am not the person she married anymore and she still loves me just the same.
When the children ask me for something she knows is beyond my physical abilities,she steps in and takes control.Our youngest,Matthew,is in the autism spectrum and can be quite a handful.His brother helps me as well,as much as a 12 year old can.To understand our family i must also include a list of our pet's for readers to grasp how my disabilities affect their daily routines.We have two dogs,one cat and a dozen or so fish.The dogs are akita's and need to be walked several times a day.The cat and the fish are less of a job,but still must be attended to daily.Last but not least is our cockatiel sunnygirl.She is not difficult to keep clean and fed,but when added to the other daily chores she can be a little tough for the kids to handle.Our female akita is 14 and requires extra care due to her age,which also hampers her ability to interact with our other dog who is very large.He could unintentionally injure her just being playful and must be watched closely outside.
My physical limitations hamper my ability to perform these and many other daily obligations.To be a worthwhile partner to my wife is one of the reasons i have not completely ruled out more surgery,and the limits imposed on me by my body are not life ending.I am lucky to have a great family and friends,a home and the ability to freely speak my mind.These are things alot of folks are deprived of,and i must appreciate all of them.Continuing this struggle,no matter how difficult it becomes,is the only way forward.Thank you for reading,and goodbye until next time. Spacewalker
My wife is obviously burdened with most household tasks i am unable to accomplish for the children's benefit.She works 40 hrs a week or more as it is,and i could not be more grateful to her for the love and comfort she provides the children and i.Before my back injury i was her partner,now i feel like her obligation.It is a bitter pill for a man to swallow to be physically broken.As the days go by i appreciate her more and more.She has adjusted to this situation so well,and does most things without so much as a word about the unfairness of her heavy load.I am not the person she married anymore and she still loves me just the same.
When the children ask me for something she knows is beyond my physical abilities,she steps in and takes control.Our youngest,Matthew,is in the autism spectrum and can be quite a handful.His brother helps me as well,as much as a 12 year old can.To understand our family i must also include a list of our pet's for readers to grasp how my disabilities affect their daily routines.We have two dogs,one cat and a dozen or so fish.The dogs are akita's and need to be walked several times a day.The cat and the fish are less of a job,but still must be attended to daily.Last but not least is our cockatiel sunnygirl.She is not difficult to keep clean and fed,but when added to the other daily chores she can be a little tough for the kids to handle.Our female akita is 14 and requires extra care due to her age,which also hampers her ability to interact with our other dog who is very large.He could unintentionally injure her just being playful and must be watched closely outside.
My physical limitations hamper my ability to perform these and many other daily obligations.To be a worthwhile partner to my wife is one of the reasons i have not completely ruled out more surgery,and the limits imposed on me by my body are not life ending.I am lucky to have a great family and friends,a home and the ability to freely speak my mind.These are things alot of folks are deprived of,and i must appreciate all of them.Continuing this struggle,no matter how difficult it becomes,is the only way forward.Thank you for reading,and goodbye until next time. Spacewalker
Saturday Afternoon"s post
As the time for celebrations of the season wind down,i am at a serious crossroads with my health.The usual routine i follow for pain relief is not working,and my options are very limited.I have a giant burn on my back from the heating pad that i constantly lay on.The skin on my back is bright red and i am unable to apply anything at this point due to the open wounds.It is my own fault because i did not heed the warnings printed right on the front of the pad.The burn is itchy and i scratched it too much and broke the skin.
When i went to the Pain Clinic this week i did not make a final decision about surgery due to the fact i am possibly going to seek out a third opinion from an expert in this field.I have a good friend in Boston who i can visit if i can get an appointment there.The hospital in Boston is one of the best places for expert docs in this field.As i contemplate my options,this seems to be the best choice.To have one more doc say surgery is the only option may push me to a final choice.My personal choice usually coincides with the Docs,but at this point i am very reluctant to approve any more surgery.I have so many Physical problems already,i don't think my family or i could handle much more.
When time allows i will be more specific,but for now i am going to say thank you for reading... spacewalker
When i went to the Pain Clinic this week i did not make a final decision about surgery due to the fact i am possibly going to seek out a third opinion from an expert in this field.I have a good friend in Boston who i can visit if i can get an appointment there.The hospital in Boston is one of the best places for expert docs in this field.As i contemplate my options,this seems to be the best choice.To have one more doc say surgery is the only option may push me to a final choice.My personal choice usually coincides with the Docs,but at this point i am very reluctant to approve any more surgery.I have so many Physical problems already,i don't think my family or i could handle much more.
When time allows i will be more specific,but for now i am going to say thank you for reading... spacewalker
Monday, December 21, 2009
monday's a.m.post
Today i brought Nya,a little kitten rescued from the street in to get her leg x-rayed to see if her break has healed up.The poor thing was abandoned with a fracture to her rear left leg,and has had a cast for about 5 weeks.She is a very active playful little cat,and it would be a wonderful x-mas gift for her to be properly healed and cast free.We have also rescued another cat,age about 8 to 10 months,that was abandoned in our neighborhood.Our family budget is tight but we cannot bare to see animals left to fend for themselves in this harsh winter weather.
For the kids,this is one of the best times of the year.But for the adults the season can be more than stressful,it can be ruinous.I have seen it time and again,people who just fall apart from the strain.I am personally looking forward to friday mornings excitement,but can't wait for it to be over either.My youngest son Matthew is in the autism spectrum,and his wish list to Santa will be difficult to complete.He and his brother are the most wonderful gifts we have ever received and hopefully we can make it fulfilling and joyful for them.We try to impart the true "reason for the season"which can be a difficult challenge in todays commercial marketplace.
The headlines of the day are mostly focused on the healthcare bill the senate voted on last night.My opinion on this matter is suprisingly simple considering the coplexities of the debate.I truly believe we need reform in the healthcare and insurance industry's but don't support this current legislation.My family is very active in the political arena and it can lead to spirited debate during family holiday gatherings.For example,we have a republican,a democrat,and two independant's among my five siblings.Being disabled from a work related injury since 1999,my stake in this debate is enormously high.
Later this afternoon i am going to my pain specialist for an appointment related to my Back problems.I am almost completely sure i am not going to consent to any more surgery,which is severely restricting my options for the future.This decision is monumental to me because it means i must resign myself to the condition i now find myself.This is difficult to articulate,but chronic pain can be a very debilitating and isolating condition.It leaves me personally unable to perform everyday tasks that are a simple for most folks.Dishes,laundry,house cleaning tasks,and honey do lists all sit half done or worse.What can seem small and insignificant becomes large and imposing.
Remembering the suffering in the world helps put my personal suffering in perspective to me in a sense.When the War dead are listed on my favorite news program,the Newshour with Jim Lehrer on PBS,they show the pictures of each one of those fallen men and woman,and i stand up and speak their name and age and hometown.I do this out of respect to each of these heroic warriors and their families ultimate sacrifice for my and my families freedom.And the daily struggles i am faced with seem to become less of a burden,and more a constant reminder that i am very lucky no matter how hard it seems.until next time, spacewalker
For the kids,this is one of the best times of the year.But for the adults the season can be more than stressful,it can be ruinous.I have seen it time and again,people who just fall apart from the strain.I am personally looking forward to friday mornings excitement,but can't wait for it to be over either.My youngest son Matthew is in the autism spectrum,and his wish list to Santa will be difficult to complete.He and his brother are the most wonderful gifts we have ever received and hopefully we can make it fulfilling and joyful for them.We try to impart the true "reason for the season"which can be a difficult challenge in todays commercial marketplace.
The headlines of the day are mostly focused on the healthcare bill the senate voted on last night.My opinion on this matter is suprisingly simple considering the coplexities of the debate.I truly believe we need reform in the healthcare and insurance industry's but don't support this current legislation.My family is very active in the political arena and it can lead to spirited debate during family holiday gatherings.For example,we have a republican,a democrat,and two independant's among my five siblings.Being disabled from a work related injury since 1999,my stake in this debate is enormously high.
Later this afternoon i am going to my pain specialist for an appointment related to my Back problems.I am almost completely sure i am not going to consent to any more surgery,which is severely restricting my options for the future.This decision is monumental to me because it means i must resign myself to the condition i now find myself.This is difficult to articulate,but chronic pain can be a very debilitating and isolating condition.It leaves me personally unable to perform everyday tasks that are a simple for most folks.Dishes,laundry,house cleaning tasks,and honey do lists all sit half done or worse.What can seem small and insignificant becomes large and imposing.
Remembering the suffering in the world helps put my personal suffering in perspective to me in a sense.When the War dead are listed on my favorite news program,the Newshour with Jim Lehrer on PBS,they show the pictures of each one of those fallen men and woman,and i stand up and speak their name and age and hometown.I do this out of respect to each of these heroic warriors and their families ultimate sacrifice for my and my families freedom.And the daily struggles i am faced with seem to become less of a burden,and more a constant reminder that i am very lucky no matter how hard it seems.until next time, spacewalker
Sunday, December 20, 2009
post # 3
well,here it is day three and i already have been sidelined by my health issues.I wanted to make another entry last night but could not sit up long enough.My back is really giving me trouble due to the weather being so cold.As the weather gets colder,it seems to affect my pain level significantly.I hope to move somewhere warm when my wife and i retire,but for now i must endure the winter here in central new york.I used to love winter as a lifelong skiing enthusiast,but have been unable to ski since 1999.
As a parent,and the husband of a hard working woman,i have issues related to the "man's pride"that us males are hampered by.Going to work every day seems like a burden until you can't do it anymore.I am sure there are thousands if not tens or hundreds of thousands of similar stories around our country.Sidelined by any kind of disability is a difficult way to exist,and my story in no way is unique.Hopefully using this medium to document my personal experiences and aspirations may result in someone realising the benefits of each unique life experience.
I am thinking about what life handed me at each different crossroad we all face.The ones of youth,were you think your peers opinions are more important than the ones of your parents,or siblings.Not realizing the benefit of learning through the experience of those older and wiser,who just want to spare you the heartache of lessons they have already endured.If i had listened to this wisdom were would i be today?Reflecting on these things may seem counterproductive personally,but what if it saves another from suffering?Is it worthwhile bringing up painful things to benefit another?
Personally,i am the first to admit when it was my turn to listen,i did not.But this new way that your story can go across the globe in moments seems to present immense opportunity to make a difference.If someone read something i wrote and made a choice to benefit from a mistake i have already made,this is one of the greatest things i could ever wish for my writing.To help others is one of the things that most benefits us as we go along in this world,in my opinion.
Tomorrow i have an appointment at my Pain Clinic,and i must decide whether or not to have a very extensive back surgury.My wife and mother both do not want me to,and overruling them would be a tough call.I am very reluctant after 14 prior surgeries to elect to allow another.After i decide i will make sure to make an entry in here about it.Being Sunday it is time for me to attend to the childrens bedtime needs,so i will end here.Until next time......spacewalker
As a parent,and the husband of a hard working woman,i have issues related to the "man's pride"that us males are hampered by.Going to work every day seems like a burden until you can't do it anymore.I am sure there are thousands if not tens or hundreds of thousands of similar stories around our country.Sidelined by any kind of disability is a difficult way to exist,and my story in no way is unique.Hopefully using this medium to document my personal experiences and aspirations may result in someone realising the benefits of each unique life experience.
I am thinking about what life handed me at each different crossroad we all face.The ones of youth,were you think your peers opinions are more important than the ones of your parents,or siblings.Not realizing the benefit of learning through the experience of those older and wiser,who just want to spare you the heartache of lessons they have already endured.If i had listened to this wisdom were would i be today?Reflecting on these things may seem counterproductive personally,but what if it saves another from suffering?Is it worthwhile bringing up painful things to benefit another?
Personally,i am the first to admit when it was my turn to listen,i did not.But this new way that your story can go across the globe in moments seems to present immense opportunity to make a difference.If someone read something i wrote and made a choice to benefit from a mistake i have already made,this is one of the greatest things i could ever wish for my writing.To help others is one of the things that most benefits us as we go along in this world,in my opinion.
Tomorrow i have an appointment at my Pain Clinic,and i must decide whether or not to have a very extensive back surgury.My wife and mother both do not want me to,and overruling them would be a tough call.I am very reluctant after 14 prior surgeries to elect to allow another.After i decide i will make sure to make an entry in here about it.Being Sunday it is time for me to attend to the childrens bedtime needs,so i will end here.Until next time......spacewalker
Saturday, December 19, 2009
entry # 2
Today is day two of this attempt to retain interest of readers by saying something worthwhile. I will begin to explain a little more about my personal history and why i am making an attempt at blogging.First and foremost are my health issues and the reasons behind my injury imposed seclusion.Having had around 14 back surgeries i have alot of chronic pain issues.I am on a long list of medications related to this,but also am athsmatic and suffer from frequent migraines.These medical conditions have me stuck at home the majority of my time.This allows me ample time to write and when offered this opportunity,i felt it could benefit me greatly.
As an amatuer writer i am used to writing longhand,and for this reason i felt a blog could serve as a good introduction to having folks read and give input on my writing.Plus it will help get me used to using a keyboard to write,which i only started to do around two months ago.My longhand writing usually began by copying the classics for around twenty minutes or so,then i move on to short stories or the novel i am attempting to create.This new way to write and share will be very useful,and i hope to learn and grow along the way.My family is supportive of this as well,in the hope that this will give me a creative outlet.
My wife and I are going to bring our boys over to their Aunts house to make christmas cookies and will return to write some more later.
As an amatuer writer i am used to writing longhand,and for this reason i felt a blog could serve as a good introduction to having folks read and give input on my writing.Plus it will help get me used to using a keyboard to write,which i only started to do around two months ago.My longhand writing usually began by copying the classics for around twenty minutes or so,then i move on to short stories or the novel i am attempting to create.This new way to write and share will be very useful,and i hope to learn and grow along the way.My family is supportive of this as well,in the hope that this will give me a creative outlet.
My wife and I are going to bring our boys over to their Aunts house to make christmas cookies and will return to write some more later.
Friday, December 18, 2009
My first blog
Well,this is my first entry in what i hope will be a long and interesting experience.Before i begin,i would like to publicly thank my friend and fellow deadhead Tigerlilly without whom this would not have been possible.She was very giving of her time in the creation of this blog.I am very grateful to her for her efforts in creating this opportunity for me to write.I am an amatuer at best,but will try to make it interesting enough to read.
I am going to be writing on a wealth of different things,from raising a family,to world events,political and social opinions and so on.I will keep it restricted to events and topics that interest me,unless asked by readers to comment on a particular story.My personal story will slowly come together as i write,and i hope that anything i share from my personal life will somehow put my views in context.As a blogger i will try to edit my comments to be viewed by all,without censoring myself to much.I personally have very different views on a wide variety of subjects,some of which i will list in this initial blog.I want readers to get a sense of what i intend to accomplish with this endeavor.
This is also an appropriate place to thank my older sister and her husband who were kind enough to gift me a computer.They are both dedicated scholars and teachers and i have tremendous love for them both.I respect all the members of my large and extended family,all of whom i am sure to elaborate on at a later date.My immediate family,my wife and two wonderful boys are the love of my life.They give me more joy every day than anyone deserves.I am lucky to have a stable home and family during these tough times.I hope to share more about about the challenges of raising a family and other related topics soon.
For many years now i have been fairly homebound due to a back injury,and i enjoy writing as a pastime to help with my injury imposed seclusion.It helps me to write anything,but fiction,especially science fiction and fantasy are my favorites.Piers Anthony is my absolute number one author in that area.I have been reading and enjoying his work for many long years now.I also enjoy reading and writing about all aspects of world history.My personal background is Irish Catholic/Greek Orthodox,so i have a particular focus is on those two lately.I am lucky to still have my Mother around,but my Father has been gone since 1987.Learning about my personal history going back generations through a family tree is also something i actively research.
Because of my health issues i may sometimes go several days or more without posting,but i hope this is going to work into a daily routine of writing down my thoughts and dreams for my life.To elaborate a little more on my backround i will also note i enjoy the music of the grateful dead and other bands i occasionally travel to watch perform live.I play guitar for personal enjoyment,and also like to freshwater fish and target shoot.Spending time with my wife and kids is my first priority,but these are things i do when my health issues allow.
I am going to end this first post by saying thank you again to the people in my life who have made this possible.Tigerlilly,if you read this please accept my sincere gratitude for all your wonderful effort in making this happen.It is a tremendous honor
to have the ability to write in this fashion.It will be so beneficial to be able to write under the impression that someone actually may read it!This is a place i will continue to share and hopefully find a receptive audience.My gratitude also extends to all my new chat friends who know who they are.The list is very large and i am grateful to them all for their kindness and compassion in these last many weeks.until next time i say goodbye and thank you for reading.
I am going to be writing on a wealth of different things,from raising a family,to world events,political and social opinions and so on.I will keep it restricted to events and topics that interest me,unless asked by readers to comment on a particular story.My personal story will slowly come together as i write,and i hope that anything i share from my personal life will somehow put my views in context.As a blogger i will try to edit my comments to be viewed by all,without censoring myself to much.I personally have very different views on a wide variety of subjects,some of which i will list in this initial blog.I want readers to get a sense of what i intend to accomplish with this endeavor.
This is also an appropriate place to thank my older sister and her husband who were kind enough to gift me a computer.They are both dedicated scholars and teachers and i have tremendous love for them both.I respect all the members of my large and extended family,all of whom i am sure to elaborate on at a later date.My immediate family,my wife and two wonderful boys are the love of my life.They give me more joy every day than anyone deserves.I am lucky to have a stable home and family during these tough times.I hope to share more about about the challenges of raising a family and other related topics soon.
For many years now i have been fairly homebound due to a back injury,and i enjoy writing as a pastime to help with my injury imposed seclusion.It helps me to write anything,but fiction,especially science fiction and fantasy are my favorites.Piers Anthony is my absolute number one author in that area.I have been reading and enjoying his work for many long years now.I also enjoy reading and writing about all aspects of world history.My personal background is Irish Catholic/Greek Orthodox,so i have a particular focus is on those two lately.I am lucky to still have my Mother around,but my Father has been gone since 1987.Learning about my personal history going back generations through a family tree is also something i actively research.
Because of my health issues i may sometimes go several days or more without posting,but i hope this is going to work into a daily routine of writing down my thoughts and dreams for my life.To elaborate a little more on my backround i will also note i enjoy the music of the grateful dead and other bands i occasionally travel to watch perform live.I play guitar for personal enjoyment,and also like to freshwater fish and target shoot.Spending time with my wife and kids is my first priority,but these are things i do when my health issues allow.
I am going to end this first post by saying thank you again to the people in my life who have made this possible.Tigerlilly,if you read this please accept my sincere gratitude for all your wonderful effort in making this happen.It is a tremendous honor
to have the ability to write in this fashion.It will be so beneficial to be able to write under the impression that someone actually may read it!This is a place i will continue to share and hopefully find a receptive audience.My gratitude also extends to all my new chat friends who know who they are.The list is very large and i am grateful to them all for their kindness and compassion in these last many weeks.until next time i say goodbye and thank you for reading.
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